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Shark Liver Oil 1140mg with Alkylglycerols

Shark Liver Oil (Super AKG) (NT1030)

5.00 stars, based on 33 reviews
For centuries, fishermen in Norway, Sweden and Japan consumed shark liver oil as a folk remedy for common colds and flu, wound healing and overall energy. In the early 1900's, marine scientists identified the therapeutic compounds revered in the...
Scottsdale, AZ

2 Year-Old Triumphs Over Respiratory Failure!

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I am a faithful believer in the Shark Liver Oil as well as the Respiratory Support formulas!!

My son was in the ER 4 times in 2 months at the age of 2 with respiratory issues. My first instinct was to contact Wayne Garland. Thank goodness I did because my son's pediatrician wanted him on inhalation steroids daily for an undetermined length of time. At 2 years old???!!! It was basically just a terrible band-aid over a much bigger issue.

Wayne Garland worked with us consistently to help my son overcome his respiratory weakness and to build his body's ability to heal itself.

Now 4 years old, my son has never been on any daily steroids for his breathing and is as active and playful as any other child his age! Actually, I'm certain he's got even more energy because of the vitality of his body!

As a mother I am grateful every day that Wayne Garland was able to step in and offer a healing alternative to my other options. I know he has made an incredible difference in the life my son has led since he's been taking his formulas!! Our entire family is grateful as you have something for each of us!! Thanks to everyone involved, we love you!



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I bought this for my sister who found a lump during her first mamo I will write another review soon to follow up with her. My nephew came home last week and complained of flu symptoms. Fever, achy, sweaty, felt completely out of it in less than 24 hrs leaving work. I made him shower and I gave him 10 shark pills a Motrin and sent him to bed at 3pm. He woke up 9am the very next morning completely healed no flu symptoms at all. He said he can't believe how he felt yesterday compared to this morning. We were so shocked I wish I knew about this when I had the flu 10 years ago. This product is absolutely amazing. I will never be without it again.

West Babylon,NY


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This product is amazing. Fights whatever I"m coming down with and I take it daily with my vitamins as well. This has saved me 2 times already this winter. Felt a cold coming on took 6 with dinner and lots of water went to bed and woke up feeling fine. I also give to my kids just mix it with there yogurt so they don’t taste it. I can not live without this in my house.

South Carolina

Boosting My Immune System

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I have been taking Shark Liver Oil for about a month. About 2 years ago I had lymphoma. I am in remission now but wanted to do everything I can to boost my immune system. I am also taking Miracle of Life and Life Transfusion. I notice within a few days how much better I felt. I definitely have more energy. The Shark Liver Oil doesn't give you that fishy taste that sometimes happens when you take other fish oil supplements. I have been very pleased with all the products and will defiantly continue to use them.

Biloxi Ms


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I was battling a cold and sinus infection until I received my shark liver oil. I could feel the difference within 2 days of using the product. I will not go another day without taking this phenomenal immune system support. I Love It!!