I accidentally marked your email as Spam
It happens. We get so many emails these days that it is easy to accidentally mark good emails as Spam without realizing it.
We use a 3rd party email management service in compliance with the CAN-SPAM Act to manage our outbound email communications with you. When you mark an email as Spam, a response is sent to the service provider, and your email is placed on a Complaint/Unsubscribed list, blocking all future emails to you.
It doesn't matter why we are sending you an email - we could be replying to an inquiry you sent us, wishing you a Happy Birthday, an order confirmation, or shipment tracking - all email outbound emails from us to you are blocked.
If you would like to restore email communication, click on the link below to reactivate your email address, remove your email address from the Complaint list, and authorize us to email you.
Restore Your Email Communication with Us
If you have any questions about how and when we send emails to you, please review our Privacy Policy or, better yet, call our Customer Support team at (855) 995-2639. Please remember, don't email us,t be able to because we won' reply back to you. ;-)